山西自考网资料下载《高级英语》近义词辨析题 3

山西自考网 发布时间:2012年07月08日
  22. They were walking in the forest when they heard a (terrifying terrific) roar which made their blood freeze.
  Terrifying:extremely frightening
  Terrific:(informal) very good especially in a way that makes you feel happy and excited
  very large in size or degree(在尺寸和程度上很大)
  23. Obviously they were getting nowhere with the meeting so he decided to (desist resist) from making a final decision that afternoon.
  Desist:(formal) to stop doing something (from搭配)
  Resist:to stop yourself from having something that you like very much or doing something that you want to do
  24. "How can you say that you don't want to see your grandmother" the fatter (admonished coaxed)
  Admonish coax:see number 18
  25. The warrior managed to (evade dodge) the arrow that came flying through the air.
  Evade:to avoid talking about something especially because you are trying to hide something(避而不谈) to escape from someone who is trying to catch you(逃避)
  Dodge:to move quickly to avoid someone or something
  26. They speaker's last few words were (drowned out stopped) by the audience’s thunderous applauses.
  Drown out:if a loud noise drowns out another sound it prevents it from being heard
  Stop:prevent not continue
  27. Would I be (intruding invading) if I joined in your discussion
  Intrude:to interrupt someone or become involved in his or her private affairs in an annoying and unwanted way
  Invade:to enter a country town or area using military force in order to take control of it
  28. The (omission exclusion) of a full stop at the end of the sentence is a deliberate act by the writer.
  Omission:when you do not include or do not do something
  Exclusion:when someone is not allowed to take part in something or enter a place
  29. The newly-recruited soldiers swore an (oath promise) of loyalty to their country
  Oath:a formal and very serious promise
  Promise:to tell someone that you will definitely do or provide something or that something will happen
  30. The suspect was accused of (preventing withholding) some important evidence from the court.
  Prevent:to stop something from happening or stop someone from doing something
  Withhold:to refuse to give someone something(隐瞒)
  31. Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is (debatable arguable)
  Debatable:things that are debatable are not certain because people have different opinions about them
  Arguable:not certain or not definitely true or correct and therefore easy to doubt
  32. He has established himself as a (credible believable) businessman.
  Credible:deserving or able to be believed or trusted(可形容人或事)
  Believable:something that is believable can be believed because it seems possible likely or real(只能形容事)
